How to Reach Your Health and Fitness Potential

Face it—everyone has something they want to change about their bodies. And most of it has to do with health and fitness, like losing weight, toning up, and looking and feeling better overall. Admirable goals, but realistically, most people would rather wish for it than do something about it. Why? Because they believe it’s impossible to reach their fitness and health goals. Luckily, nothing is impossible if you put in the hard work and effort to achieve your ambitions and reach your full health and fitness goals.

Below you will find some helpful advice on how you can reach your health and fitness potential.

Think Outside the Box

You have probably heard that your genetics determines a good portion of what your body will look like as you age. Many fitness fanatics are embracing a new craze that involves looking into their genetic makeup to discover their true boundaries, health-wise. Places like Bioserve offer DNA extraction services, a procedure that takes a sample of your DNA to better gauge where you can expect to be if you were in tip-top physical condition.

Challenge Yourself

Reaching your health and fitness potential is all about discovering where your boundaries are, and then pushing those lines to achieve new boundaries. Your body is an amazing machine, capable of doing almost anything if you are properly, physically conditioned. Challenge yourself by starting small with your fitness goals. Go for a walk, begin a weight training routine, and eat plenty of protein, complex carbs, and fiber. Then push those limits by setting the bar higher. For instance, run instead of walk, do high-intensity interval training, use your body-weight to build muscle, and drink at least a gallon of water daily.

Dream Big but Realistically

Sure, you can push your limits, but you might reach the pentacle of your fitness and health capabilities. When this happens, it’s all about maintenance. Be realistic with your fitness goals, but dream big to keep yourself motivated. For example, if one of your dreams is to be the most flexible you have ever been, work on splits and stretches daily to train your muscles. Eventually, you CAN turn those dreams into big realities.

Health and fitness are integral parts of a long life. True, anything can happen, but you want to do as much as you can on your side to ensure your body and mind are in the best shape possible.