Peanut Allergy Symptoms

If your around my age you probably rarely heard about peanut allergies growing up, unfortunately allergies to peanuts have become one of the fastest growing allergies in the last 30 years. There are more deaths in the United States from peanuts allergies every year than from any other allergy. The peanut is unique as it is not a nut but rather a member of the legumes family which includes, pea and beans. The allergy is generally caused by vicilin a protein in the peanut.

Peanut Allergy Symptoms

  1. Swollen throat or face
  2. Runny nose
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Tightness in chest or throat
  5. Vomiting
  6. Rapid Heartbeat
  7. Hives or skin rash

What To Do About Peanut Allergies

There is no cure for peanut allergies so the best thing to prevent outbreaks is avoidance. This is not always easy to do for those who are highly allergic. Most food companies are better about listing foods that can include trace elements of peanuts now. Some minor symptoms can be treated with over the counter medication or you may want to try some herbal allergy remedies. The worst cases of peanut allergies involve anaphylactic shock which must be treated with a injection of epinephrine right away. It is recommended that children under 2 not be given peanuts because they are not able to communicate symptoms.

Hypoallergenic Peanuts

The biggest problem with peanuts is that they are a very cheap source of protein used in lunches by many moms. There are very few alternative sources of cheap protein like peanut butter. Research is being done to develop a hypoallergenic peanut or allergy free peanut. There are over 14,000 types of peanuts and research is centered on either finding those that do not contain the proteins that cause allergies or genetically altering the peanut and taking out the protein. Scientist are also trying to develop better drugs to combat peanut reactions.

Vitamins For Peanut Allergies

  • Zinc-Inhibits the release of histamine
  • Vitamin C-Reduces histamine
  • B5 —Reduces mucous
  • B3 —Slows histamine release

Disclaimer: does not claim to cure or diagnose any disease. Any content is provided for informational purposes, most alternative remedies have very little clinical research behind them. Always see your doctor before trying any alternative or exercise program Some alternatives may be used to compliment traditional treatment. Remember the best natural allergy cure is avoidance and learning how to spot hidden exposure.